things that name themselves-February 2015

intuition recognition, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink, marker and white out on paper, 12x9”

assimilation imagination, 2015, copy ink, india ink, marker, tempera and white out on paper, 12x9”

paysan land, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

malign quoting, 2015, copy ink, india ink, gouache and white out tape on paper, 10.75x8.75”

marooned text, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink, marker and white out on paper, 12x9”

read blank sheet, 2015, acrylic, copy ink, gouache, india ink, marker and white out tape on paper, 10.75x8.75”

poeticized facsimile, 2015, copy ink, india ink, tempera and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

ghost copy, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

humanist gesture garten, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

bitch to the world, 2015, copy ink, gouache, india ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

mapped childhood recovery, 2015, copy ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”

text collector, 2015, copy ink and white out on paper, 11.75x8.25”